January 2014

I’m sorry if this has already been answered before but one thing that has been bothering me in this series (from the many) is Sherlock’s immediate acceptance of Mary in the TEH itself. The Sherlock Im familiar with would not warm up to a person so quickly especially after deducing she’s a liar. Moffat explained this as him being blind to it because he wanted to like her. But why? Because John likes her? Instead I would’ve expected him to be wary of her because she’s so close to John.

Another good question! I think it’s beyond doubt that Sherlock wanted to like and be…

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do you think John “choose” Mary bec he has a tendency to attract &be attracted by dangerous ppl or he unconsciously chose Mary bec, like her, he wanted (try) to have a normal life? Mary would kill before she’d let John know things,her wish for normality so intense &maybe John saw that. Also there’s a theory (sylviatietjens. co. vu/ post/ 73460662599/ another-three-episodes-another-series-finished> &that John’s ‘fault isn’t blame but a flaw-danger tendency PTSD. do you agree?

Hmmm, this is an interesting question, but I think you’ve got a couple of things…

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Hi hi a fan of yours here. I loved your write up on the whole S3 about the whole shipping thing etc I know you mentioned Private Life and I was curious if you had seen this article from the observer, 2010 by Gatiss as a film that changed his life. The wording fits this season. “The relationship between Sherlock and Watson is treated beautifully; Sherlock effectively falls in love with him in the film, but it’s so desperately unspoken.” If you’ve seen it, ah well, if not, please enjoy and thanks!

Never feel shame about sharing cool news and links! Have I ever seen that one.…

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Hello! First things first, I found your blog in the aftermath of His Last Vow and now it’s absolutely one of my favourites. :) The second thing, do you have any advice for someone who’d like to write meta about a television series (at the moment Sherlock) but doesn’t have enough followers to create proper conversations? My writing is good enough, of that I’m quite sure, but talking to yourself is hardly satisfying. Thanks a lot!

YES YES WRITE THE META. I dunno if people think I’m working some magic trick…

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