January 2014

Hey, I saw that you are have been doing bits and pieces of academic meta on s3. Would you mind very much sharing your thoughts on Sherlock’s “Down, girl” to Janine re: carrying handcuffs. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m not a native or just generally clueless, but this part has bothered me because I didn’t quite understand what it implies. Thank you!

Oh, yeah! That might be the language barrier, because it’s a pretty simple joke, really,…

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I hope you’ve seen some of the blogged responses you’ve got under your Johnlock, not just for fans anymore, thing on different kinds of love, because they’re exactly what I’ve been trying to say for so long. Of course a totally valid interpretation of the show is extremely clearly and wonderfully gay, but these other people provide a different perspective and I just hope you saw them. Have a nice day :D

I certainly did! 😀 I’ve been following responses to my post avidly. I haven’t replied…

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