January 2014

I just read that post on queerbaiting and I’m actually laughing. Sorry, I’m really trying not to be rude but that post was (to me) beyond ludicrous. Holmes & Watson have a very strong male friendship, often to referred to in writings about the canon as a romantic friendship. I’m a gay man. I have a straight male friend who people often think I’m in a relationship with, we’re not. I think it’s more homophobic to claim a male friendship is queerbaiting as it feels very “backs to the walls”.

My post wasn’t about queerbaiting. For that, read rivai-lution‘s awesome and passionate rebuttal to my…

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Hi! I don’t think the BBC are afraid of showing explicit queer relationships. There are enough examples, just look at something as mainstream as Eastenders … Nor have the writers of Sherlock ever denied the homoerotic undertones. And why can’t it stay just that? I think Sherlock and John’s relationship is pretty much perfect the way it is. Sex would only ruin it, like it always does. No matter if it’s 2 men, 2 women or a man and a woman … Just my opinion. (And I’m no homophobe at all.)

It’s true! The BBC does seem to be relatively open-minded about queer relationships, especially compared…

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