Mid0nz asked to have the Rule of Thirds explained. Some of you might be interested too. [Warning: you will never unsee!]
Here’s some cinematography 101.
The rule of thirds is one of the very first things you learn when you do video work (it also applies to still visual media, like art and photography, but with moving images it takes on a whole new significance).
This is why people keep saying that there are no accidents in how characters are framed and positioned in a shot. In the hands of an experienced director and cinematographer, you can be sure that their choices are always deliberate.
Which is not to say that every result of those choices is equally deliberate. For example, in HLV, was John deliberately lost in the shot when Sherlock collapsed at Baker Street, or was that a side effect of a choice to systematically prioritize Sherlock? (That’s a rhetorical question. I certainly don’t know the answer, or whether it’s even significant at that point in time. You might want to ask acafanmom about that one if you’re really curious; she’s better at this than I am).