
Additionally: if Mary is doing all this for love of John, clearly she is a person who is very much driven by her emotions. Right? She doesn’t have many friends, but she makes friends with Sherlock really fast. They apparently love one another. They’re close and everything’s pretty great between them. I genuinely believe they have great affection for each other. But love of Sherlock doesn’t stop Mary from putting a bullet in his chest without a second warning when he gets in her way.

I have doubts about the depth of Mary’s feelings and their ability to dictate how she behaves. And I have doubts about whether love for John is the only reason for her actions. Based on what we know so far. Not to say she doesn’t love him, but…love doesn’t seem to impair her ability to harm the objects of it with projectiles.

I could just reblog this whole latest series of her posts and add YES THIS to the bottom of each one.

This is one of my favorite things about Mary.  It makes her so very dangerous, perhaps most of all to the man who gave her his blind trust (oh John, why did you do that, don’t you know what a terrifying risk you’ve taken?  But of course he does, that’s the POINT, isn’t it).

I love that Mary can be the good guy AND the bad guy all at the same time.  UGH, she’s magnificent.

I love the idea of her turning out to be a villain because it would break everyone so beautifully.  But I would be so sad to lose her.

But I suppose we’re likely to lose her sooner or later anyway.  In the long term, the physics of this narrative can’t tolerate Sherlock and John staying that far apart.

I just have so many good feelings about the awesomeness of what they can and probably will do with her character.  There are so many brilliant ways they could go with her.

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