
The Society of Cinema and Media Studies (North America’s largest media studies organization) is making a number of panels available online (live stream) this week, and some of these may be of interest to people here. In particular, the one coming up shortly today – Visualizing Media Studies – is a workshop centered on video essays, which are gaining traction as an alternative means of discussing media objects. Particularly given mid0nz‘s recent call for new ways of doing meta, this one might be of interest to some of us here in fandom. Keep in mind that since the conference is being held in Seattle, all panels are US Pacific Time.

E14: Visualizing Media Studies | Thursday, March 20 | 9am-10:45am PT
H14: Queer Media Pedagogy | Thursday, March 20 | 3pm-4:45pm PT
J12: Media Activism and Cultural Industries | Friday, March 21 | 9am-10:45am PT
L12: Exploring Transnational Television Histories | Friday, March 21 | 2:15pm-4pm PT

Oooooooooo, cool.

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