March 2014

Greetings. I was watching Reichenbach Fall last night and I noticed that Moriarty and Magnussen both use the term “pressure point.” Also, when Sherlock and Moriarty are on the St. Barts roof, Moriarty says that he loves newspapers. Moriarty and Magnussen connection? Brothers from another mother? Moriarty owns Magnussen? Am I reaching? lol. What do you think? Thanks and take care. :-)

Ohhhhh. No, you might not be. That’s exactly the sort of clue the writers like…

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There’s this interview (theguardian[.]com/tv-and-radio/2012/jan/20/steven-moffat-sherlock-doctor-who) where Moffat says Sherlock wouldn’t be living with a man if he thought they were interesting, but I don’t know if I buy that. Even if Sherlock is gay, why couldn’t he have a male flatmate? But this closest mention of “not gay” that I can think of, and it seems that in other interviews Moffat and the rest of the producers/writers/cast are much more vague about/less labeling of the relationship…

Moffat deliberately lies, deflects, and snows the issue whenever he can. It’s his way of…

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