



Although I try to limit myself, because otherwise the blog would be nothing but ponry things and birds, which come to think of it, why am I limiting myself??


mylittlecornerofsherlock said: Speaking of which, who was your ornithologist friend? I’m still kicking myself for not making sure I tracked both of you down again to talk!

That was consultingsmartarse, mad scientist and cosplayer, my consulting roommate ^_^

(And thanks, by the way, for introducing me around that super crowded room – it was lovely meeting you. Next time we can have a loooong and proper {for given values of ‘proper’} chat ;D)

Porny-things-and-birds is pretty much the perfect blog.

I mean, I would also add occasional tea, but that’s just my personal taste.  You hit the most important two.

bird drinking tea

Bird drinking teaimage

…I must admit I am partial to that last saucy finch 😉

POD’s blog is perfect.

POD is perfect.

Also POD is gorgeous and a super-hot punk!John.

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