This is such a great example of how you really can’t assume that you know celebrities based on what you read about them, because articles never really tell the truth.
This one makes it sound like he’s a rageball angry at anybody who presumes he might be a nice, polite sort of person. Other ones make it sound like he’s a ball of cuddly fluffiness. Other ones yet make it sound like his primary characteristic is being an escapee from the mod 1960s. Concepts that continuously crop up include “ferociously intelligent,” “vulgar to the point of it being on autopilot,” and “outrageously witty and funny.”
And by all accounts, he is a polite, generous, down-to-earth and appreciative person when approached courteously by fans.
It bugs me both that fans make assumptions about their favorite celebrities based on material they should know is unreliable because it’s profit-driven, and that these articles get written this way in the first place, flattening the complexity of a real human being down into some kind of artificial bite-sized chunks. People aren’t consumer items.