Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have a “fantastic, really mouth-watering idea” says the star – could it be a Christmas special?“Mark Gatiss may beat me up,” Freeman told Alan Carr at the recording of this Friday’s Chatty Man for Channel 4, “but there is an idea for this one-off special that’s such a good idea, and as I was listening to it I thought ‘we’ve just got to do this’. And I don’t know when we are going to be able to do it, unfortunately.
“It’s a fantastic, really mouth-watering idea. But I really don’t know when we are going to get to do it.”
Waaaaait a minute… Is that moonblossom‘s Christmas manip they’re using? AGAIN?
Seriously? *boggles at Radio Times*
These headlines are basically flat-out lies at this point. ”He said there’s a one-off they’d love to do sometime! They mentioned Blue Carbuncle! OMG CLEARLY THERE MUST BE A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL COMING, NEVER MIND HE SAID HE HAS NO IDEA WHEN THEY’D EVER BE ABLE TO DO SUCH A THING.”
I am really a bit fed up with the media coverage on Sherlock and its cast, to be honest. It’s one relationship scandal short of being full-on yellow journalism, and apparently they’re biting and clawing their way toward finding an opportunity for that, with these “Ben has a girl~~friend” rumors.
That radio times article has been edited since I read it this morning! This morning it basically said that there would be a one off special, according to Martin, and went on to say it was very possible it would the end of Sherlock.
Martin also mentioned how none of the scripts had been written yet and basically it was just taking forever to make new episodes so it was possible it was going to end on a bang.
“Got that Sherlock interview you wanted.”
“What did they say?”
“They said basically they still don’t know anything yet, and they’ll let us know when they do. Also, Freeman said to make sure we put in, ‘Asking over and over doesn’t make things happen faster.’”
“Well we can’t do anything with that! Make something up, for God’s sake!”
This is why I avoid this stuff, but freaking Google Now lately keeps dropping these articles off on my doorstop like a pet cat delivering me mutilated rodents. WHY DO I KEEP LOOKING AT THEM?
Martin Freeman: Next Sherlock is a one-off special