I’m finally getting around to finding ways to cross-post between Tumblr and LJ.
Nobody makes it easy, for some reason. I don’t know whether the two platforms are honestly that different under the hood, or if so far none of these app developers have seen fit to consider them both relevant at the same time.
So this may be a two-step process. But I suspect there are a bunch of you who’d like to know, so I’ll post about it once I get it figured out.
(Also looking into ways to backup and maybe even transfer/duplicate a Tumblr, because things get deleted and friends groups move house to new platforms and I don’t know about you, but I’ve written a lot of content I’d like to hang onto. ^_^)
In the meantime, if you ever want to find me over there, I’m prettyarbitrary on Livejournal, and I have a fic journal at arbitrary-fic. (The fic journal realistically serves as a secondary archive in case of anything happening to AO3.)
(No, I’m not moving. I just like to have things in more than one place. I’ve learned to trust redundancy when it comes to computers. And I’m not a fan of getting myself locked into platforms I can’t get my content out of if I ever do decide I want or need to move. Plus—friends-locking posts. WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT, TUMBLR. YOU SHOULD TRY IT SOMETIME.)