
Fuck!  Sorry, guys!

I had IFTTT set up to automate a Tumblr-to-Wordpress backup of my blog, but it looks like a feedback loop got going somewhere.

I’ve deleted all the extraneous posts and I’ll keep that turned off till I can chase down the culprit.


Cured!  For some stupid reason I had that WordPress blog connected into my Tumblr.  Which doesn’t even make sense for a backup.  Whatever, it’s fixed now.

PS:  If anybody’s interested in a how-to on all these crossposting shenanigans I’ve been doing (the ones that actually work right, I mean), let me know and I could put some tutorials together.

At this point, I have:

  • my LJ automatically crossposting to my Tumblr
  • my Tumblr automatically crossposting to blog (set to private because it’s just a backup and I don’t want people following me there)—providing not only auto-backup from Tumblr AND LJ, but WordPress also provides a super-easy method to download all your content to your hard drive and move it elsewhere if you want.
  • my Facebook automatically crossposting to drafts on my other Tumblr (I chose not to auto-publish because I don’t want everything from Facebook public on Tumblr)
  • my public WordPress blog crossposting to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Google+ at my desire

This stuff is actually all easy to do!  Not technical at all.  I’ve got a couple of options for crossposting from Facebook and my other Tumblr to my public WordPress blog, but I haven’t decided just how I want to do it.  You have to finesse it a little to avoid feedback loops like the one I created here, which involves a little bit of sacrifice.

from Tumblr

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