
The 2014 Dale Travis Lecture with Robin Kimmerer is now available on our Youtube channel!

Her talk, “The Honorable Harvest: Indigenous Knowledge and Conservation,” is a powerful exploration of our cultural relationships with the earth, and of how traditional and indigenous knowledge may be able to contribute to sustainability and conservation.

What Dr. Kimmerer proposes is truly a paradigm shift, supported by science and guided by ethics, to a new cultural model of sustainability and conservation. She says that at the root of our environmental crisis is not broken land, but a broken relationship with the land, and that healing this relationship is central to addressing our other environmental problems. Coming out of her talk without your own thoughts on what she says is impossible.

Do you agree with her? What’s the way forward?

Now this?  This is a truly mind-blowing conception of conservation, sustainability and our cultural situation re: the environment.

You may or may not believe in climate change, and you may or may not share Dr. Kimmerer’s spiritual views.  But this is not about that.  This is about forging a new relationship of respect with this beautiful planet we’ve been given.  This is about relearning a view of the world where people, plants, animals, resources are not things to be used, but members of a living system whose prosperity, or lack thereof, we all share in.

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