
ok guys i’m finally getting my ass in gear. you might remember that ages ago i asked if anyone wanted to do a reread of all the books and a few people said yes and i plan on messaging some people i notice are really active in the tags and such to hopefully get more people who are interested as well.

so i’ve created this blog to kind of serve as an announcement system over here on tumblr to go with the dreamwidth account where we’ll be doing all of our actual discussion and then hopefully eventually i can put some fanart/edits/other stuff here as well. 

so i plan for us to start reading nightlife on the week of oct 26 – nov 1 [halloween seemed like a good time to start]. i’m not sure how many chapters yet but just follow this blog to get more updates and also let me know that people are actually interested in this still 🙂

also if you have any suggestions really please message me here or leave a comment on the post i made over on dreamwidth because i’ve never done anything like this before and i want it all to go well 🙂

[also also if you for some reason don’t have your copies of the books with you i’ve got ebook versions of all of them and they’re like highlighted all to shit if you’ve got the kindle reader so i plan on uploading those soon as well]

In case anybody wants to join in!

A nice thing about Dreamwidth is that you don’t necessarily have to have a Dreamwidth account to use it.  It lets you log in with other accounts, like WordPress or LJ, as OpenIDs.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1qGzJRl

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