Aeryn gravitates toward compassionate men, and she likes to top. 😀  It’s kind of remarkable, how much like Crichton Velorak was.

But wow, she really fucked him over. 

I had never really registered before how much sexuality is a part of this show.  Not sex, so much; they’re always careful to keep things PG-13.  But, like…we have here a contrast between Aeryn’s early encounters with her sexuality vs. her increasingly confident explorations of it now that she’s grown up enough to begin to understand and integrate it into herself.

And you get it with all of them at some point or another.  We’ve seen Chiana casually using sex as a weapon and tool.  She said herself a few episodes back, “It’s the only way I’ve got to pay you back.”  Sex is easy for her, but she’s only beginning to figure out how to love, trust or do relationships—of any kind.

And then there’s D’argo.  One of his strongest character traits is the way he loves with a fierce pride that leaves no room for caring what anyone else thinks.  And that’s defined him and made him pay for it, in suffering and by having vast tracts of his history and future mapped out due to his prohibited love for a woman of another species.

Sexuality is really too small a word, when you take a hard look at it.  Because it’s not just about sex.  It’s a whole spectrum that includes love, romance, friendship and all the other ways of emotional fulfillment.

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