This episode is as much about Moya and what she’s been through as it is about Pilot’s or Aeryn’s history.

 ”Just you, me and the walls,” John says, and it’s such a pointed reminder that Moya’s always there, seeing them and hearing them and sensing them however else giant interstellar ship-whales experience the universe.  I wonder how much she understands of what she hears, or how she makes sense of what her little planet-bound passengers get up to.

The ship is such a part of this show.  She’s utterly pervasive; she is the set for entire episodes, and you can always feel her there.  We’re still getting to know her at this point, but we already have a sense of her inclinations, her experiences and her maternal instinct.  We’ve seen the characters hang out with her and support her, and have their moments with her, even though she can’t communicate verbally back to them.  We know she loves them, and protects them fiercely.

You never lose sight of that bond between the ship and her passengers, or how marvelous it is in light of the chasm between their species experiences.  And when they get up to their eyeballs in trouble, you always find yourself experiencing a moment of worry for Moya along with the characters who actually have lines.

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