


I’ve only ever seen a male bisexual represented once in any form of media in my life. Like that’s it. I’ve been gay men and women, lesbians and female bisexuals but only one bisexual man

If you’re interested in lighthearted fantasy lit, one of the two leads in my Climbing the Date Palm is a bi prince and there are several chapters told from his point of view. My short story The Artist and the Devil, which also has a bi man in an important role, was featured in the free minizine readvitality released last fall.

For more, bisexual-books can totally help you out; they’ve definitely posted about some books with bi guys in ‘em. I haven’t finished reading either one yet, but The Merman and the Barbarian Pirate and The Burnt Toast B&B both have a bi guy as one of the two men in the romance.

They might also have some suggestions for movies where a man’s bisexuality isn’t just being used as a tropey way to show that he’s decadent (because yes, that is a BIG problem.)

queermediarepresentation, can you help? Isn’t there a bi male comic book character called Constantine?

Revenge has seasons on Netflix and is currently on the air. While the show has its problems, its queer representation is not one of them. It has a main cast member who is a male bisexual, who is not defined solely by his sexuality, is not a joke, and whose relationships are given just as much weight and importance as the heterosexual ones on the show. He is shown with men and woman at various points on the show and explicitly states that he is “a Kinsey three” pretty early on in Season 1.

Oberyn Martell from the ASoIaF books and the GoT tv show is bi. Though I wouldn’t call him the most positive representation of bisexuality, Oberyn is a fan favorite despite being only in part of one book and he made a lasting impression among a cast of hundreds.

Who it is is a spoiler so I can’t tell you more but um, watch House of Cards?

Lestat from The Vampire Chronicles, both pre-and-post vampirism.

Dorian Gray from Penny Dreadful of course. Though he’s more like one of the “depraved bisexual” tropes unfortunately. Worth mentioning because the show is so damn good. Another male character sleeps with him at one point but due to the circumstances I’m not sure we’d call him bisexual as well, it’s more of a situational sexuality thing. EXCELLENT show. Very much worth checking out.

John Constantine of DC’s Hellblazer and Constantine comic series—and ostensibly also the Constantine tv series, since they say it’ll come up at some point (assuming the series is renewed) but they haven’t gotten there yet.  Although admittedly he’s a terrible person and his relationships are generally awful, regardless of whom they’re with.

One of my favorite fantasy novels, The Stone Prince by Fiona Patton (actually it’s a whole fantasy society where bisexuality is pretty much the default).

Loki has been established as bisexual in the Marvel comics.  So has Hercules.  They aren’t showing up in the comics much lately, but for a while we were seeing quite a bit of a m/m couple, Rictor and Shatterstar, at least one of whom was bisexual (the other had had both male and female relationships in the past, but identified as gay).

The novel Swordspoint by ellenkushner!  Another of my favorite novels, and another case where bisexuality is generally accepted in society.  We see at least one of the male leads specifically in both male and female relationships.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1MqVqms

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