


Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (deleted scene)

Seriously though, this scene. WHY DID THEY DELETE THIS SCENE?

Oh my god, that is magical.

This was like the beginning to porn

Ahahah, it gets better if you watch the actual video, because they shake hands and then Luke turns to leave and kind of…holds on as long as possible. 😀  (same move he did with Leia when he was leaving Endor to go find Vader).

Even better is another deleted scene from the beginning of the movie, with Vader calling out to Luke through the Force, and I just.  Imagine.  Imagine Vader’s been doing that ever since Bespin, and Luke’s spending the entire movie with his father’s voice whispering to him in the back of his mind, saying, “Come to me.  Join me.”  Because that’s. Pretty much the implication you get.

God I love those movies.  30 years on and they keep giving.

from Tumblr

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