Due to the thieving bastards at EBooks-tree.com and their blatant theft of my work from A03, I have had to change my privacy settings on A03 to, “Only show your work to registered users.” This means that if you are not a registered user on A03, you will not be able to view my fics there. Sorry for any inconvenience. I hope this mess will be sorted soon. Until then, if you’re not on A03, and want to read my fics, you can still do so by clicking the My Scribblings tag on my main tumblr page.
Yeah, I think I’m going to have to do this, too. They’ve got 40 of my works posted on their site and I’m just so f’ing disgusted with this sort of arsemonkey – we post our work for our readers, our fellow fans, and it’s free. These disgusting excrescences come along and make money off of our work, and we see nothing of it, haven’t been asked, and they don’t even care. It just makes me so furious I can’t see straight!
I’d rant for six or seven hours, but it’s not going to do any good and
you, my dear followers, don’t deserve all that potty mouth in one
sitting. ;p
So, I am also going to make my AO3 fics only readable by people with registered accounts on AO3. However, if you don’t have a membership & don’t want to make one, you can always message me and I’ll happily email you an .epub, .mobi, or .pdf of any of my fics. Confidentiality assured, if you need it.
Sorry, peeps, but you have to batten down the hatches when there’s a shit-storm. *unhappy sigh*
Update: It looks like they took my works down from the site. So, FYI check back if you’ve put in a request, they seem to be actually acting on them.
It’s looking more and more like this is not a case of intellectual property theft, but rather a phishing scam.
People who’ve been checking into this are noticing that the fics are often connected right back to their place on the AO3 server–meaning they weren’t downloaded at all. They’re just linked to. But when you try to open a fic to look at it, you get prompted to enter all kinds of personally identifying information.