
George Washington: chances he will knock you out = 10000%.
Washington, Washington, six foot eight weighs a fucking ton. (not actually true but still) Your puny ass has no chance. He’s gonna wipe the floor with you like he did with the Hessians on Christmas Eve.

John Adams: chances he will knock you out = 20%.
Idk man. He’s a little teapot, short and stout. Incredibly crusty. Tilt him over and give His Rotundity a good push. Might call you a whore though.

Ben Franklin: chances he will knock you out = 35%
This fucking old man will invent a death contraption just to get your ass and then sleep with your family, friends, and neighbors. Exercise caution when fighting.

Alexander Hamilton: chances he will knock you out = 60%
Will try to argue at you. When that fails, he’ll screech at you and go all out. Kind of small and pretty but military trained and no self preservation in sight. Challenged the whole Democratic-Republican party to a fistfight once. A nightmare to fight.

Thomas Jefferson: chances he will knock you out = 50%
Ok here is someone you really should fight but probably can’t. Who wouldn’t want to punch that hypocrite face? His height gives him a slight advantage, though, and his journalists can ruin your reputation even if u ruin him.

Aaron Burr: chances he will knock you out = 60%
Most of the people who want to fight him will probably end up sleeping with him instead. If you’re in the minority, good luck. He’s a total lightweight. Don’t duel though. 

James Madison: chances he will knock you out = 0%
Ok what had the world done to you to make you want to fight Madison you cruel creature go burn down an orphanage or something instead.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1OpmaaE

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