the navel treatment replied to your post: Daredevil

Oh it’s so good. Let me count the ways….Diversity, appropriate treatment of a disability, humor, abs, great cinematography, vincent d’onoforio, Easter eggs, the list goes on and on…..


It’s kind of half-and-half for women in Daredevil.  As people have pointed out elsewhere, violence against women is a pretty common shorthand for badness and tragedy in this series.  And yet, the women characters we get are amazing–fully realized, very much with their own goals, and so much agency that they are perhaps the main drivers of the plot, above and beyond any of the men.  Their choices count, and they count hard, and each of them actively and explicitly refuses any of the stereotypical roles that men try to lay on them–they are not yours to protect, they are not in need of rescue, they are not here to be your justification or your motivation or your treasure on a pedestal, and they will not allow you to make your choices with them as your excuse any more than they will allow you to make choices for them.

God, they’re just glorious.  

from Tumblr

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