Each blog post gets its own page, and the user’s main page is actually a feed–just like on Tumblr.

The reason that particular one is so blank and clean is because of the  LJ theme they’re using.  In fact it’s the default LJ theme, ‘Standard.’  The blog post pages (’entry pages’) look great, but unfortunately the main user pages are kind of awful on that particular one.  There are, I believe, other LJ themes that have pleasantly clean entry pages.  You just have to hunt around through the LJ styles to find one.  

To get to them, click on ‘My Journal’ and then ‘LJ Styles’ in the dropdown menu, and you’ll be taken to a page where you can browse and filter a large array of LJ styles.  If you Google for ‘livejournal styles’ you can also find many more custom ones that people have created.  Just follow their guidelines and policies for use. ^_^

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1FBAbZh

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