Spoilers and awfulness and bonus blasphemy below.

It occurred to me that IDK how many people read the Bible these days beyond bumper sticker quotes, so maybe some Hannibal fans don’t know about John 14:2, where Jesus says, “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”

(bolding mine)

This is from the Last Supper (hur hur oh god *sob*), where Jesus is telling his apostles about how he’s going to shortly die and go to Heaven, and that they shouldn’t be upset because they’ll go there too when they die. 

So like.  All that repetition about when Hannibal said he “prepared a place” for Will and Abigail, and then Will talking about “this world” and “Hannibal’s world” is 100% a glowing space-arrow pointing to Hannibal as (anti)Christ figure and Heaven/Hell/whatever freakadoo afterlife Hannibal might have mastery of.

On top of which is built Will’s conceit that he’s “dead,” and his whole schtick about hanging out with his young friend the restless spirit (or hallucination, or daydream, or displaced manifestation of Will’s own desire to join Hannibal rather than hunt him, but shhh we’re focusing on the metaphor).

The rest of that passage from John is, BTW, (3)“If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. (4)And you know the way where I am going.”  Which, you know, is all directly relevant since basically the rest of the episode is Will remembering when Hannibal flat-out told him about the place in question, and how Hannibal’s little Valentine’s gift was (among other things) a big ‘here I am’ flag in case Will wasn’t sure where to come and find him.

Soooooooooo all this is to say that now we’ve kind of got Will-as-Hannibal-apostle implications going.  And if you happen to have read or seen Red Dragon, you might come up with some thoughts of your own about how that could fit in.

(We could also rock the whole motif about the Last Supper being when Jesus was all “This is my body, this is my blood” about the meal they were eating–the basis for the Eucharist.  And, for a bonus round of Anti-Christ, if you happen to be Catholic, then you could hardly imagine a more perfect corruption of the concept of the Eucharist than Hannibal’s philosophy of cannibalism.)

(Also also I suppose we could ponder the motif of betrayal at the Last Supper and Peter’s refutation of Jesus vs. what Will did to Hannibal.  And how it all went down in Hannibal’s kitchen while he was in the middle of preparing a last dinner for them before they all ran away to a new cannibal-family life in Tahiti.  And how the minute Peter realized he’d just wussed out and bailed on Jesus due to fear of incarceration, he teared up and was basically like, “OH GOD I REGRET THIS I WANT A DO-OVER.” PS: Remember Hannibal’s “I forgive you?” Yeah.)

(Peter is also the apostle who later went on to become the first pope of the Catholic Church.)   

(Peter is a bad role model, Will.  Do not be like Peter.)

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1L7i30e

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