GOD I LOVE HER (warning for Hannibal and spoilers)

One thing Hannibal’s doing with all this killing right in front of Bedelia is to keep burying her in deeper with him.

I mean she’s going to have a good argument that she was in fear of her life the whole time and couldn’t do anything about it.  But also some people are going to be like, “Yeaaaaaaaaaah BUT.  Just saying.”

But GOD I want her to be so awesome that she manages to just slip away when the time is right.  I want her to be just as smart he is. His true match.  Just less murdery.

I also love how mysterious she manages to keep being.  She’s like a mirror.  She uses her skill at psychology to reflect everybody around her back on themselves so you can never see HER too clearly.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1ez42ez

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