
“I see you.”

There’s something gloriously spooky about this.  Maybe it’s his eyes.  They look a little catlike, or even snakey.

I’m imagining him now as some sort of darkly-shaped creature that has slithered out from the shadows of John’s room.  And when John enters and the light from the hall behind him catches on the strange plains of Sherlock’s face, “I see you,” he says.

Pinned in place as Sherlock stands and slinks toward him, knowing instinctively that if he runs he’ll die, John feels his stomach drop right out of this reality into…well, whatever universe those eyes are looking into.  And he wonders uneasily what Sherlock sees, because he suspects very strongly it’s not what John sees when he looks in the mirror.

Although what the mirror would show him right this minute…

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1J0SY1c

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