How Snobbery Helped Take The Spice Out Of European Cooking:



A really cool article about one of my weird niche interests (ask me about Renaissance recipes sometime, they’re great).

Since I have my main cookbook right by me at the moment, here’s a small sample of some flavour profiles from Renaissance England, prior to the shift in European cooking styles that’s described in this article–all of them from savoury recipes involving meat:

  • Rosemary, currant, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, pepper.
  • Shallot, mustard, nutmeg, honey, white wine vinegar.
  • Onion, rosemary, marjoram, thyme, savoury, bay, parsley, pistachio.
  • Sage, shallot, mace, parsley, nutmeg, pepper.
  • Parsley, mint, sage, caraway, coriander, nutmeg, capers.
  • Fennel, savoury, rosemary, thyme, bay, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger.
  • Nutmeg, pepper, parsley, thyme, rosemary, cloves, grapes.

Hardly the plain boiled fare most people picture in traditional English cooking, right?

Renaissance food is awesome.

This has been intermittently getting a note or two and it’s awesome so I’m going to reblog it again. Everyone learn about one of my strange niche hobbies.

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