

Unpopular opinion: I do not read J. Cabal as either ace or aromantic. I just think he only has eyes for Her. He buries feelings/urges because:

1) She is literally the guy’s only soft spot and therefore weakness.
2.) Feelings and urges are an irrelevant distraction.
3) No one but she is worthy.

I also feel like his being touch-averse and obviously pent up add to his assholishness.

I also share this opinion.

(disclaimer: I do however fully appreciate the people’s opinion of Cabal as Ace/Aro, and am very aware of how few literary characters are portrayed thusly, and would therefore never dismiss or deny the popular opinion of Cabal as Asexual and/or Aromantic)

(To summerise: Cabal’s sexual orientation- “non of your verdammt business”)

Ahaha, I now know like four other people who’ve read these books.  I’m not planning to launch any fandom wars. 😀  Also it’s not like any of those points are wrong.

from Tumblr

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