
When we write, especially when we write (or art!) about superheroes, all sorts of questions come up. How fast is the Quinjet, exactly? Where could this epic battle take place without killing a bunch of civilians, and what are the surroundings like? What kind of take-out are they going to order on movie night? How far away is the nearest shwarma place? Would a fresh-out-of-the-ice Steve Rogers know about things like bananas and Chinese food? What even were the social norms of the 1920s-40s? What did the clothing look like? What about planes and motorcycles and guns? And what could Tony be working on that’s tech or engineering focused enough to appeal to him, but doesn’t require several paragraphs of explanation to be meaningful? And that’s just in your basic canon setting. What happens when you start inserting time travel, or multiple universes, or straight-up AUs? Canon is great for storytelling and idea-generation, but it also raises a lot of questions for those of us who try to work with it.

Originally posted by fakesheep-luna

(Sometimes there’s just nothing left to do but look it up and learn.) 

Here are some resources we hope can help with those itching questions in your brain:

First things first, some SteveTony specific resources, as compiled by @stevetonyfic​. If your question’s about canon, fandom, of the ship itself, this link lists some great starting points. Also, feel free to send the event mods an email, drop us an ask, or ask people in the -im chat! We have a lot of incredibly knowledgeable and informed people in this fandom who will be happy to help point you in the right direction.

What sorts of villains might Steve and Tony face? @nimblesnotebookrecommends checking out The Crime Museum of Washington DC for detailed, well-researched information about types of crimes throughout history, and the people who commit them.

(They can’t ALL be mad scientists mucking about with extreme natural forces and radiation, surely?)

Writing about World War II? @ghostflowerdreams​ has compiled a truly impressive list of links about all sorts of WWII-related info, from military training to social, medical and technological changes of the time. Some tips on writing military culture (modern day) can be found here.

Originally posted by loveholic198

(Lookit little skinny Steve. What does he eat between attempts at conning the army into taking him? Where does he go? What does he do when Bucky’s not dragging him on double dates?)

Looking for academic sources but don’t have that handy university-sanctioned pass behind a paywall? Check out @writersyoga​’s post on free research materials. The blog also offers writing tips and more specific research advice.

Writing in a fantasy setting? Casting about for professions other than “noble,” “peasant,” “knight” and “blacksmith”? Consider this list of fantasy professions over at @lauraharrisbooks​. Her writing resources tag is also worth a look.

(No really, what is Tony’s armor even made of here that makes it cling like that? And why is no one using the giant pile of smoothed-down rubble in the background as a slide yet?)

@clevergirlhelps​ has a little bit (make that more than a little bit) of everything listed on their resources page. No really. There are links for topics from art techniques through medical details, clothing, survival skills, house floorplans, music and mythology, alongside more writer-focused resources for taking breaks, making your wordcount goal and expanding your vocabulary. For SteveTony in particular we’ve always been fond of this post on writing close friendships.

Go forth and research!

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