
We’ve survived another week of pain and suffering! Great job everyone! Now it’s time to kick back, grab a kitten, hug the nearest Red or Blue, and prepare to bask in good things. 


For those new, what is fluff week?

It’s a time for fandom fic authors and artists to open themselves up to prompts of the most sweet, sugary, fluffy and joyful kind and attempt to deliver on it within one week’s time (in this case, next Sunday– 1 May– at midnight EST) before all readers submit to me their Top 2 choices for winners.

How does one join this fest of joy? Well there’s some simple rules:

The base rules: reblog this and your followers as well as other participants, submit prompts to your ask. Then you fill those that you want.

Whoever has the best story or art by Sunday wins. What do you win? Bragging rights.

To keep track of the War, you can also check out this blog in particular, as we will be reblogging all submissions with the tag “#RvB Fluff Week” as well as keeping a master list.

Here are some additional rules:

1. When reblogging, make sure to add what kind of prompts you won’t take (such as shipping prompts or ones that contain some triggers)

2. You can send as many prompts to as many participants as you want, even if you are not participating. And if you are participating you can fill as many or as few prompts as you want. And there are no “penalties” for getting sidetracked (this is all about dishing out inspiration! Even if it’s not 100% what’s expected, you were at least inspired and that’s commendable)

3. We’ll reblog all entries we find, and tag them “RvB Fluff Week”.  So tumblr savior that if you want. All participants, tag your fics with that as well so we can find them if we don’t follow you. All triggers will be marked as well. Please do the same when reblogging entries yourself, regardless if you are participating or not. The list of triggers you should tag is in our Rules/FAQ.

4. Next Sunday (May 1st), the contest is over. At that point, we will be posting a link to a polling/survey site where you will be able to pick your choices for winners. Honor code most likely will be in effect so please don’t vote for yourself! Everyone (participant or not) is welcome to vote; just make sure you read everything you can (if there’s something in the fic that triggers you, we’ll understand if you skip it though).

5. You do not need to be a participant in order to vote.

6. Have fun!

Yes to: Freelancers; my girl South; anything Wash-related; playing with the sci-fi stuff; world-building; fixit; AU; gen; m/m;


relationships; explicit sex; kink

No to: Tuckington; the inside of Sarge’s head (I love him but he’s so confusing)

Game to try: m/f; poly; kids; pretty much anything; you won’t weird me out; this is a judgment-free zone

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/21aKgIW

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