President Trump? Not likely:

Well, Trump all but locked in the GOP nomination last night, but this article is making me feel better about the future of my country. 

Long story short, a law professor runs the numbers, and determines that women and minorities will save the day.

84% of non-white voters won’t vote for Trump.  They now make up 38% of the US voting population.  In fact, 2 million new Latino voters have registered for this election in response to Trump’s bigotry, most of them in key states.

Meanwhile, polls indicate that women voters (53% of US voters) would fall in for Hillary by a 40 point margin.  That’s 70% of all women voters.

In fact, Karl Rove thinks that Trump’s nomination may cost Republicans the Senate and a chunk of the House as well.

Even the Koch Brothers have said they’re going to skip out on this year’s GOP convention.

We are really going to owe a(nother) big one to Latinos, black people, Asians and women.

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