
I’m so excited because I launched a deal on Groupon for my in-home sex classes like Female Orgasm 101 and Sex Positions 101, and the deal is currently live!


The reason I’m so ecstatic about this is because my business is incredibly hard to market. Facebook ads won’t work with me, Google ads puts restrictions on what I can say, print advertising of any kind- forget it! Remember that story from my book in which I had a print ad pulled because someone complained that the copy “come take a peek” was offensive? Even Groupon originally declined to run a deal for me, but at least they could be finally be reasoned with (I’d been repeatedly declined for Groupon deals since I first applied c. 2010).


Seriously. ^ This print promotion was pulled. It’s clearly not the sexuality in the ad that was the problem, because there isn’t any. It’s what they know the ad stands for, and that scares the hell out of them.

So this deal means for once, I’ll actually have my business in a mainstream marketplace! Which means everyday folks, who might love to buy my services, but who have no idea in-home sex ed class with a doctor for a girls’ night party is a thing that exists and therefore would never even think to search me out, will now be introduced to what I offer. Which means more sex-positive sex ed for grown-ups in San Diego, and a stronger business for me.

Now of course, sex in print advertising is commonplace. “Sex sells”, as they say. Porn is all over Facebook, and Groupon offers deals on sex toys and strip clubs. It’s not the sex that’s the problem, as I’ve been saying ad nauseum for almost a decade. I believe it’s the subversive way in which I “sell sex”.

I mean, I’m an educated woman making an independent living for myself by helping other women question everything they’ve ever been taught about sex and their bodies and teaching them how to unapologetically have the sex they want, all while playing fun games and drinking cocktails in the safety of their living room. Strip clubs, sure, Facebook pages dedicated to big boobs, of course, but this- this makes The Powers That Be really uncomfortable.

So the war for the right to sex-positive sex education wages on, but I won this battle, and that’s no small victory for me as an entrepreneur, and for all of us who want female sexuality education to be seen as legitimate and worthwhile. People within 50 miles of San Diego- buy the groupon! It’ll be fun, informative, and en eff you to The Man, and it’s cheap! My goodness, $79 for a 2 hours class- with 10 friends that’s like $8 per person. You can’t do anything for $8 anymore, let alone something this cool!

from Tumblr

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