New ABC show ‘Cleverman’ is about an Aboriginal superhero and we’re already hooked off the trailer:


Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my fucking god you guys I am so fucking excited.

There’s a new sci-fi series coming out, and it looks so fucking amazing I want to cry. I’m not kidding, there’s tears in my eyes right now I am so excited.

The show revolves around Koen, played by recent NIDA grad Hunter Page-Lochard, whose uncle is the tribal ‘Cleverman’ (which means he possesses superpowers that are passed on when he dies). Koen belongs to a persecuted minority, the treatment of which mirrors that of Australia’s Indigenous population. It’s Koen’s job to come to terms with his powerful destiny, mend his relationship with his older brother – and try to do the same for his broken society.”  

-Jenny Noyes, Daily Life

The story looks amazing. There are obvious parallels to not only the injustice Aboriginal people face in Australia, but also our treatment of refugees (the references to walls and camps are entirely purposeful). The visual effects look stunning, the cast is amazing (DEBORAH MAILMAN, UNCLE JACK CHARLES, AHHH), and 80% Indigenous. 

It’s coming out June 2. I am so fucking excited. 

Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!

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