Title: The Prince and the Soldier
Author: PrettyArbitrary
Reader: consulting_smartass
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Rating: Explicit
Genre/Tags: Medieval AU, Dubious Consent, Master/Servant
Length: 50:45Summary:
How characteristic, John had thought the first time the prince bedded him, that Sherlock would choose the most forbidden of passions to
pursue.MediaFire (mp3/m4b)
SoundCloud (mp3)Pre/Post Music – Poison Prince (Holly Kirby cover) – Amy Macdonald
Oh my god guys, if you like to hear things as podfic then CS can HOOK YOU UP. This is so beautiful. ;_;
And look at that amazing cover!
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1Vk69oC