
First time I have ever done one of these.  I know this is actually
late, but that’s life for you – still wanted to board this train
anyway.  I’ll just keep it to two this time, but they are two very dear
to my heart and worthy of keeping the spotlight all to themselves.  

Self Soothing – by @prettyarbitrary

is a lot I would love to say about this.  The story does so much
right.  It gives you this amazing view into the complex and painful
relationship between Wash and Epsilon, and does it so cleanly, so
precisely, that the short length of the fic takes nothing away from it.
It is full of these beautiful descriptive gems, tiny perfect moments
strung along in a narrative that starts out so bleak, and leads to a
tenderness and a strange kind of hopefulness that you rarely see with
these characters.  

The fic is told from Epsilon’s point of
view, and I have never seen anyone write him so well before.  It is too
easy for Church/Epsilon to just get bogged down in cynicism, sarcasm and
cussing, but in this story everything flows in such an organic and
seamless way that I’m starting to think that this story should be
required reading for anyone who wants to write him.  

trying so hard not to give anything away – with a piece this short,
spoilers of any sort would be criminal.  I am deeply proud and very
fucking humbled that this was based on a prompt I wrote for the Imagine
Wash blog – I came across it by accident when a different blog I follow
RB’ed it.  This piece of writing took me from “I wonder if I should
start writing again” to “I need to write again, and I need to start
right now.”  It is a beautiful poignant fic, and you need to stop
reading this rec and go read it right the fuck now.

Throw Away The Key – by @lostlegendaerie

say that this story is currently one of the great joys in my life would
not be an exaggeration.  To say that I sit for hours at my computer
clicking “refresh” in the hopes that the next chapter magically popping
up unannounced would be an exaggeration, but not by much.  It’s a WIP, but the three parts already released are enchanting.  

is solid Yorkalina material, in an AU where York is a mechanic and
Carolina is a cop.  It’s lighthearted and awkward, and has an intriguing
hint of darkness that is yet to be explored.  York is … fuck it, he’s
perfect.  Absolutely perfect.  Every grace endearing, and every flaw
divine.  I don’t think I have ever wanted a character to walk off my
screen and into reality before.  

Fifteen chapters yet to
come, and I see no reason to doubt that they will be as charming as the
first ones.  The writing is solid and full of humour and I am truly
addicted.  This is the kind of piece that leaves you on your knees next
to your bed, praying “please, just let them be happy.”    AND THEY BETTER BE.  

I’m pretty sure this is the highest compliment I’ve ever been paid.

from Tumblr

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