
1. You come home to find a single drop of gravy leaking through your letterbox and your key will not fit
2. Cats come up to you with sorrow in their big green eyes
You have had more than one wrong-number phone call from the Vatican
basement, from those payphones near the statues, and there is some kind
of grinding noise in the background but it is hard to hear over the
Spanish-accented clarifications of the woman on the other end
4. You begin to receive vague but apologetic letters with postmarks from the near future
The pipes knock at night in something that is almost Morse Code, save
for the addition of a mid-length, rattly noise like the coughing of a
6. You notice a door that you have never seen before and that is curiously hard to forget
A senior librarian comes to your door to absolve you, without asking,
of a number of library fines relating to highly unusual books that you
have never, to your knowledge, checked out
8. Whenever you turn round there is a blackbird flying away
There is a ringing phone in the gutter down the road, and a large man
in sunglasses who is trying to pretend that it is not there
10. You cannot remember if you have ever been in a hailstorm, and neither can anyone you ask
There was a will from a relative you never really knew about, in a part
of the world you’d never heard of, and it bequeathed you a box that
cannot be opened and, once opened, cannot be closed

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