
How do I explain how much I love the thought of Blackwatch Reyes because my dudes……I Love Blackwatch Reyes.

He’s intimidating as fuck to all the new recruits and transfers and people know to stay out of his way because not only does he have a temper and aggressive attitude, but he also has bulk to back it up. Like people write poems about Gabe’s ass and thighs but my god dude if I ever had to fight him in a ring I would literally give up on the spot. That’s the kind of bulk that can back punches and kicks up and make them /fucking hurt/.

Him doing hand to hand must be a religious experience because whatever combos he throws out gotta make such an impact when they connect. He may be easy to slip around (Lookin at you Morrison) but he’s as persistent as a bloodhound and can take a lot more than someone who’s quicker on their feet usually. No one wants to spar with him because his 60-80% is so much harsher than everyone else’s.

Gabe loves sparring with people who piss him off though. Mccree is Fucking Dead a lot of times because Jesse is less of a hand to hand guy and more of a quick shooter and mid range guy. Jack is one of the few who keeps up because 1.) he’s also a super soldier and 2.) like I said before Jack is probably more of a defensive fighter and quicker on his feet since he’s got a slighter build.

This is me rambling about fighting now lmao BUT where I was going was Gabe and Jack having rough sweaty sex in the middle of the sparring floor where Jack’s hands are slipping on the floor and he can’t even hold himself up but he reaches behind him and claws at Gabe as best as he can and yanks his hair and basically acts like the worlds prissiest and angriest queen bee while clenching and pushing back enthusiastically. Gabe loves how tough they can get and keeps shoving Jack by the back of the neck face down into the mat and outright laughs when Jack marks him in any way and just snaps his hips harder and TBH doesn’t give a Flying Fuck if anyone comes in at those moments.

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