


Wait, according to the Counselor, Wash doesn’t allow AIs access to his implants ever since Epsilon.

When Delta offered to move to his AI slot as opposed to a storage compartment, Wash told him off.

But at the end of Season 6:

“ Church: You know I can see why you didn’t want anyone else in your head. Got some pretty heavy stuff going on there. I think you need to talk to a professional.

Washington: That’s too bad. I just lost my job, and we have great mental health coverage. ”

Wash let Church into his implants. Why? Was it the only way to keep him free enough to ambush the Meta? Would it have taken too long for him to jump from a storage slot? Or was it because the Counselor knew Wash wouldn’t allow an AI in, and they were only scanning his storage slot to see if he had Epsilon or Alpha with him, so Wash & Church pulled a bait-and-switch?

Or do I just need coffee?

While I don’t remember the episode, I definitely remember Wash explaining that he didn’t want another AI, because he didn’t want it to figure out what he knew/learned from Epsilon.

Right, but Church didn’t need to be in his implants to get into the facility; we know from Delta & South that implants and storage are separate.

So, my question is, why the implants? To avoid detection since they know for a ‘fact’ he won’t allow an AI access? To make ambushing Sigma & Meta easier? Because Wash wanted a confessional chat with Church before the end?

My headcanon is actually that Wash doesn’t want to make any of the other fragments relive what happened to Alpha.  But when it comes to Alpha himself, those memories rightfully belong to him.

Although another possibility is that implantation was safer than storage. Wash’s plan was to set off the EMP.  His suit must be hardened against EMPs since that’s the armor mod he carried.  So as long as Alpha stayed with him, he would’ve been safe.

A third possibility is that Wash expected to die, and he just really didn’t want to die alone.  And so this one time, and specifically with Alpha (because, in a sense, he’s the AI Wash knows best, because Epsilon wasn’t really fully formed as a person till later), that desire overrode his skittishness about AIs.

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