okay so if you assume that in this being-tempted-by-evil wonder woman fantasy, she has arranged her hunks by bangability (and why wouldn’t she), do you think they’re in ascending or descending order? i’m assuming ascending, but you’d think she’d want the most bangable hunk to be closest to her throne. but i can’t conceive of a world where wonder woman considers aquaman to be the most bangable dude in the league. honestly even the fact that he is in fourth comes as some surprise to me. she hasn’t even replaced his axe hand with something useful, like a bottle opener. i feel like if you told aquaman about this he’d be really flattered just to have shown up. but the best part is that i’m p sure she’s officially trying to bang nemesis at this point, and regardless of what order this lineup is in, he is not in first. i’m pretty sure he’s in third. she literally just started dating the dude but if batman suggested he’d be dtf she’d drop nemesis like a hot potato. even in diana’s darkest fantasies bruce won’t take his fucking mask off and he looks like he just realized he forgot to set his tivo. diana cannot imagine anything hotter than dudes in scalemail armwarmers. that is her true dark secret.
Have you seen Aquaman? He is totally first on the list.
i am not denying that diana, being of sound mind and body, would throw jason momoa over her shoulder and carry him away to her hypothetical throne room full of hunks. but this is shaggy unkempt beardy hobo white guy aquaman we’re talking about.
not that i’m not into it, personally, but i’d think if you were gonna go for a beardy blonde in the league the obvious choice would be green arrow
ollie’s got a noted history of slutting around so you know he knows what he’s doing. who or what has aquaman been doing? no one knows. he’s half mermaid. maybe he swims upstream to spawn. if it’s jason momoa aquaman then sure, fuck it, still worth it. but white guy aquaman has a lot of competition when it comes to the justice league hunk olympics.
This is the kind of discussion I want to see on my dash, thank you everyone who contributed to this thread and making sure it got to my dash.
P.S. Anyone wanna draw Diana throwing Jason Momoa over her shoulder please and thank you that’d be great.