


need to find a good OC ask meme or two so i can really flesh out Orion

OH OH I’m good at this!  Can you tell us some of these?

What color does he hate the most?

What are his favorite hobbies?

Is he a reader?  What does he like to read?

What kind of art does he like?

Does he like animals? What kind of animals?  In a theoretical or put-up-with-their-mess kind of way?

On that note, how does he feel about being messy?

Is there anything he finds just absolutely disgusting?

Can you tell us about some of his friends, family or early enemies?

What would he be, if he could be anything?

Where would he LIKE to be in life?  What does he want to accomplish?

What’s his relationship with his own fuckups?  

What’s his favorite place in the world?

Can.. Can other people use this for their OCs?

Knock yourself out!  Here are some more:

As the character’s creator, how would YOU like to see the character develop?

What traits in others drive the character nuts?

Does the character have any religious/spiritual beliefs?

Actually, if this is going to do the rounds, then I want to append my handicap/mental illness edition.  Over the years I’ve gotten good at asking questions to jar players out of the ‘handicap/illness as character concept’ trap.  For best effect, ask the questions above FIRST (it helps break up that bad habit), and then these following ones:

What is their relationship with their handicap/illness?  E.g. Are they in denial?  Struggling to heal or accommodate?  Angry about it?  In tune with themselves?

If someone came along with the ability to cure their condition completely (a possibility in some settings!), would the character accept?

In the long run, as their creator do you think they would regret that decision?

How would your character react to seeing someone else with a similar issue to theirs being bullied/abused for it?

What reaction has the character typically gotten to their issue?

If that reaction has largely been bad, then think of a time when they encountered kindness/acceptance, who it came from, and what impact that had on them.

What relationships have their formative friends/family/enemies historically had with the character’s condition?

A character with a mental or physical handicap will interact with their world and the characters around them similarly to the way a person does in the real world–that is to say, sometimes it will not go smoothly.  It can be frustrating, for them and others, and if you are fixated on things going the way you expect, it can be disruptive to your plans. As their creator, are you prepared to allow their condition to affect their narrative?

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2cWLT9y

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