Kinktober Fic Challenge Day 28: Oviposition and 29: Double penetration

Overwatch, reaper76, continuation of siren!Gabriel AU

I’m counting this one for two days, since it has not only oviposition (boo yah, I knew I could do it), but extreme insertion/double penetration.  Do I know how to treat you guys or what?

This is actually going to end up with a part 3, because if I’m going to porn this many weird kinks, I’m going to go all the way.


Gabriel finds him in the Aegean Sea, when his ship is in harbor for three days to take on supplies.  Jack just shakes his head and smiles when he sees him.  He has yet to understand how a creature Gabriel’s size manages to cross the ocean and find him so easily.  When he’s asked, Gabriel has always just shrugged and said, “I swim.”  

Gabriel leads him to a picturesque underwater grotto that glows sapphire and aquamarine with filtered sunlight. It’s beautiful, and Jack tells him so.  Gabriel always enjoys having his work admired.

This time is no exception.  Jack grins at the way Gabriel puffs up with pride like he’d created the place himself instead of just finding it.

Gabriel reaches up to catch his chin.  Jack tips his face into the touch and lets him turn his head back and forth. “It matches your eyes.”

“You like sparkly things, don’t you?” Jack asks him with a laugh.

Gabriel grins.  “You could say that.  Sparkly thing.”  His smile is possessive, and so is his embrace when he twines himself around Jack.  But Jack knows him well enough by now not to be afraid of it.  Gabriel can be greedy, demanding with a prince’s offhanded arrogance and sometimes temperamental, but he’s always been careful and gentle with Jack.

Jack gave up on bringing clothes with him on these trips a while ago.  They don’t keep him warm in the water and he just keeps ruining perfectly good sets of pants.  Besides, he’s come to enjoy Gabriel’s effortless access to his body, the way he’ll sometimes reach over and smooth a hand over his belly or caress him absently with a tentacle he’s looped around Jack’s waist to keep them together in the currents.

Now he lets himself sway in the clutch of Gabriel’s limbs like the sea anemones clustered near the cave entrance.  Two of them spread his thighs to let Gabriel get between them, pulling his legs up to hold them captured around Gabriel’s waist.  The cups lining them suck at the soft skin of Jack’s inner thighs until he starts grinding his hips against Gabriel’s belly.  Gabriel laughs and plays with him a bit more, until Jack is groaning with frustration and trying to tug his tentacles closer to where he wants them to be.  “You’ve gotten good at this.”

“Are you complaining?”

Jack grabs his head to kiss him fast and rough.  “Only if you don’t <em>fuck me.</em>”

Gabriel laughs again.  

Jack’s breath is knocked out of him in a whuff as he’s penetrated in a single thrust by a stiffened tentacle.  “Better?” he purrs.  Not that he lets Jack answer.  It starts pumping in and out of him, setting a pace that won’t let him catch his breath.  

The thing curves and twists and thrusts inside him, leaving Jack scrabbling for a grip on his self-control.  Sex with Gabriel is always like this, almost overwhelming with all the things happening to his body at once.  As far as he knows, Gabriel’s never orgasmed with him; Jack’s not even sure if he can. But he certainly enjoys making Jack lose his mind.  He pushes Jack up his body, licking and sucking down over his chest and nipples and stomach until he’s nosing into Jack’s pubic hair and Jack realizes with a twist in his gut what’s coming next.  With the tentacle already fucking him hungrily, he Gabriel’s curls for dear life and arches desperately as that warm mouth closes over his cock and begins to suck.

He rolls his hips frantically, caught between fucking and being fucked. Every time he begins to find a rhythm, Gabriel flicks his tongue into his slit and rubs at his prostate with the tip of his tentacle, and Jack keens and falls apart.

Gabriel swallows and then lets go of his cock.  He looks absolutely smug as he pulls Jack back down till they’re face to face..  “It’s a long time since your people left it, but I can still taste the sea in you.”

Jack steadies himself with his hands on Gabriel’s shoulders, trying to collect himself.  The tentacle is still moving inside him, stroking delicately around his sensitized prostate, being gentle with him but still sending waves of sensation through him.  “Not done?” he asks breathlessly, shifting restlessly on it.  It’s a struggle to stay still under that stimulation, and anyway he enjoys the hungry way Gabriel looks at him when he’s making Jack’s hips dance for him.

But now Gabriel’s eyes are closed, his lips pressed against Jack’s shoulder.  Listening to him, Jack thinks; listening to his heart, he calls it.  Jack wonders what he hears, exactly.  “I enjoy all of the ways I can make your body sing for me.”

Whatever form of pleasure Gabriel takes from their intercourse, Jack knows the groin of his tentacles is sensitive.  He pushes his hand into those impossibly soft folds to pet them, and is repaid with a tremor and a rumbling sigh.  With enough attention here, Jack can make him purr and shake for him.

A tentacle winds around Jack’s wrist, trapping his hand in place so he’ll keep stroking.  “I want you again,” Gabriel says shakily.  He nuzzles into Jack’s hair, the current of his breath stirring it like a caress.  “I want you over and over.”

The tentacle is still moving inside Jack, quickly working him through oversensitivity back into arousal.  He moans and rocks his hips.  “What good does it do for you?” he gasps. “It’s not like it is for me, is it?”

Gabriel opens his eyes and looks at him.  There’s something wild and intent in his face.  A part of Jack quivers at the full attention of a predator.  “Oh, Jack.  You have no idea how good you feel.”  He leans in to run his tongue along Jack’s jaw.  “I can feel the way you shake for me inside.  The way you cry out in need.  You sing from the inside out, and it’s all for me.”  Gabriel catches Jack’s head in both hands, cradling his jaw with his claw-tipped thumbs stroking Jack’s cheeks.  “You want me,” he whispers.

There’s something like awe in that rich, rough voice.  An almost vulnerable wonder in those beautiful dark eyes.  With his free hand, Jack reaches up to mirror Gabriel, cupping his hand against one scarred, sculpted cheek.  <em>I love you.</em>  Jack doesn’t say the words, doesn’t even think them, exactly, but it rings between them as clearly as if he had.

Gabriel’s lips tremble, then firm.  “There’s something I want, Jack.  Something I’ve wanted to do to you.  Will you trust me?”

There’s something raw in his voice and face.  A hunger, a hope.  Jack can almost feel the power of a desire Gabriel can’t bear to name, tugging at him, and he wonders if this is what hearing someone’s heart sounds like.

He knows instinctively, with years of experience at challenging his own limits, that he’s about to get in over his head.  But he thinks he’d do anything to answer the need he sees in Gabriel, and there’s nowhere he’d rather be than in over his head together with him.  “I do trust you.  Do it.”

When Gabriel sweeps him into a passionate, grateful kiss, Jack grabs him to hold him there, deepening it until their bodies meld against one another.  <em>I love you.  I do love you.</em>  He does think the words this time, and he’d swear he can feel Gabriel respond.

The tentacle inside him twitches in warning, and then plunges deeper.  Jack breaks their kiss to cry out in surprise.  Then he cries out again because it doesn’t stop, wriggling deep into his body to open him up beyond the point where anything but Gabriel could possibly reach.  He bows forward and pants into Gabriel’s shoulder, feeling the strands of little seed pearls he wears looped around himself bite into his cheek.  It’s not quite painful, but it’s overwhelming, both the physical sensation and the awareness that what’s happening to his body is beyond what it was designed for.

“Shhhhh.”  Gabriel cards through his hair with gentle claws, rocking him as he’s taken.  “You’ll enjoy this, I promise.”

He already is.  Gabriel’s tentacles curl protectively up and around him, capturing his limbs and pulling at them to wrap him around Gabriel’s body and keep him there.  Suction cups suckle at the bare skin of his thighs and abdomen and back until the need pooling in the cradle of Jack’s hips floods through his entire body.  None of it is anything Gabriel hasn’t done before, but there’s something newly intense and intimate about the way he’s handling Jack now.  It puts a thrill through him, of fear for the risk of giving too much of himself and of the desire to do just that.  

Another tentacle teases at his entrance.  Jack snaps his head up to look wide-eyed at Gabriel, who looks back with heavy-lidded want.  “I won’t hurt you, Jack, I promise you.”  

What he promises, he always carries out.  Jack lets his eyes slip closed with a sigh and relaxes into Gabriel’s hold.  The fine tip of it licks softly at his rim, and then nudges with increasing firmness until he can feel himself stretching further as it begins to press inside.  He claws at Gabriel, forehead pressed against his collarbone, as he’s opened further, deeper by the slow increments of its thrusts and withdrawals.

“Gabriel…” he groans.  He feels lost in the conflict of his own body, stretched wide and craving even more but sparking with an unbearable pleasure that’s on the edge of warning.

Gabriel pushes his hand between their bodies to massage gently at his abdomen, just above his cock.  It sends a warm, tempting pleasure rolling through his lower body.  “Shhhhh, it’s all right.  You’re so beautiful, Jack.  Look at you.  You’re so strong.  You can take more than you know, my love, and you want to find out just how much that is as much as I do, don’t you?”  There’s a lyrical quality to his rough voice that Jack’s never heard before.  It’s so beautiful it hurts.

He twists and moans, past the point of self-control as he feels the two tentacles shift inside him.  They feel like they’re winding around each other.  He wants to move.  He’s not sure it’s a good idea.  Gabriel won’t let him.  When he tries, he finds his lower body is held still in a secure grip.  He moans again at his own immobilization.

“I want to see you in extremity, Jack,” Gabriel continues.  The music of his voice weaves into Jack, feels like it’s catching on his bones and in his mind and tugging until he can barely resist the pull.  Gabriel’s never used the siren song on him before.  No wonder men are willing to die for it. “I want to see you swept away, stripped of all your self-control. I want to keep you, to fill you with pleasure so intense you can’t escape, to see how much you can bear before you come apart for me.  Ah, and I want to watch you come apart for me. Naked for me.  I want to hold you while you can’t hold yourself, when my grip on you is the only thing that’s left.”

Jack whimpers into Gabriel’s throat, nuzzling and nipping at him as the movement inside him changes from a slow ripple to a gradually building thrusting.  The way they’re coiled around each other creates ridges or contours that drag across his prostate with each stroke in and out.   He twists his fingers into the gold and pearl chains wrapped around Gabriel’s shoulders and upper arms and does his best to hang on.

“I want to put something inside you, Jack.”  He bumps their noses together, nudging Jack’s face till he looks up.  A shudder of need goes through Gabriel’s body that ripples the water around them.  “Please let me.”

When Jack nods, the thick tendrils inside him quiver, and Gabriel pulls their mouths together in a kiss that they both groan into as something forces Jack just a little bit wider.  It feels like a soft lump pushing through the tentacle inside him, until he feels it ooze out the tip to settle, hot and squishy, into a place somewhere in his core.

His breathing picks up as the tip of Gabriel’s tentacle nudges it a little inside him.  Oh, god.  “It’s…got nubs.”  He bucks his hips as it shifts again.  “Gabriel.  It’s <em>tingling.</em>”

Gabriel’s laugh is strained but soft with affection.  “Another one.”

Jack’s back arches with pleasure and discomfort as another lump is pushed into him.  When it bumps into the first one, they both roll a bit inside him, and he cries out as his entire body tenses in an orgasm that doubles down as it makes him bear him down on the things inside him.

“Good,” Gabriel croons.  He strokes his nose against Jack’s, seeming captivated.  “Good, Jack.  Just give yourself to it.  Let it happen and it will feel so good.”  

Jack drags in desperate lungfuls of breath as another one pushes into him, and then a fourth, tingling and rubbing against his over-stimulated insides in a way that hovers right on the edge of pain.  Gabriel is panting and shaking against him, seeming almost as carried away as Jack is.  Jack tries to hang onto sanity by focusing on him.  He’s never seen Gabriel like this and he’s so beautiful.  His cheeks are flushed darker than usual, eyes half-lidded and gleaming in the shimmering blue light, breathing through parted lips that can’t seem to keep away from Jack’s mouth and skin for more than seconds at a time.

The things keep coming, pushing into him to be nudged and nestled into place inside him. He comes again with a strangled scream, body cramping on the textured knots inside him.  It just makes them roll around and stimulate him more, until Jack is tossing his head in a silent plea for it to stop, just for a moment.  Just enough to let him pull himself together.  He feels swollen, full to the point of stretching.  How many more of the things are there?  How much can he take?

“I’m sorry,” Gabriel murmurs.  “I’m sorry, I can’t stop.  There’s not much more.”  He kneads at Jack’s sides and back and belly, murmuring little encouragements and apologies and endearments even as he groans and shakes himself.  He bows his head against Jack’s, his breathing growing more intense as he keeps pushing more of the things into Jack’s body. Warm water from his lungs mixes with Jack’s in the pocket their bodies create between them.  “Stay with me, Jack,” and Jack wonders absently if it’s the song that tugs at his mind and soul or if he just wants those words so badly that they seize him anyway.  “Always.  We’ll never let each other go.  All the oceans and their treasures will be ours, above and below, and they’ll be all the richer for having you to share them with.”

After a little, Jack realizes no more of the things are coming.  He tries to push up from where he’s slumped across Gabriel’s chest, and the things inside him roll and bump so that his arms buckle under him.  They’re like some kind of sex toys, sending little aftershocks of stressed pleasure through him with every shift and inhalation, which build on each other until he feels like he’s being taken apart from the inside out.

“Gabriel,” he finally manages.  He barely recognizes his own voice.

Gabriel massages at his shoulders.  “It’s alright, Jack.  We’re nearly done.”  He said that before.  Jack wants to ask him what that means when the thick tentacle inside him begins moving again.  “No, please…!”

Gabriel cuts him off with his tongue in his mouth.

It drags across his prostate with every stroke, and he’s beginning to hate the thing as it pushes him inexorably toward yet another orgasm, so over-stimulated that he’s all but spasming.  But Gabriel tightens around him first, with a shout of ecstasy.  Jack is shocked to feel hot, thick fluid spurting deep inside him.  It feels slick and soothing on his tormented inner walls.

Gabriel’s tentacle keeps thrusting and wriggling inside him, not allowing him to escape.  Gabriel keeps him cradled tight, purring, as the tip of it nudges around inside him, prodding at the little lumps, rolling them around to spread the fluid inside him.  One more orgasm rips through him, so intense his vision whites out for a moment.  And then, finally, the appendage withdraws from him.

Jack is too exhausted to do anything except let Gabriel roll them over and drape Jack on top of him, clasped against him.

They lie there like that for a while.  Gabriel lounges with his eyes closed, absently stroking Jack’s hair.  Jack watches the blue and green light ripple through the little cave, and basks in the feeling of Gabriel under and around him, and the exhausted, liquid pleasure as his body finally relaxes and accommodates, dragging him down to sleep.

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