Go out tomorrow, find a cause. NARAL, ASPCA, Planned Parenthood, A New Way Forward, The Innocence Project, Oxfam, Greenpeace… find out about programs and groups that deal with human trafficking, with racism, with sexism, with women’s health, LGBTQA rights, with what you want to fucking change! Sign up, and fucking fight.
Intern at your local congressional office! Stuff envelops! Listen to citizen complaints! Help dig us out of this shitstorm!
Donate money! Donate time! Be a Big Brother or a Big Sister. Reach out and find what your community needs! Join a litter collecting squad or write cards for people at an elderly community or buy a family in need groceries.
There is. So. Much. You. Can. Still. Do.
Online activism is all well and good, but these groups need feet on the fucking pavement. Don’t confuse shouting at people online as activism! So put up, and let’s shut this racist, classist, misogynistic, rape apologist down.
from Tumblr https://prettyarbitrary.tumblr.com/post/152936050490