


you ever think that maybe all of Jack’s harsh, very militaristic lines are coming from how he must compartmentalize himself and his life

because he’s most likely been under constant stress for his entire life since being Strike Commander and the only way he could figure out how to step away from it was to divvy himself up and just sort of detach as the situation calls for, and now he’s been betrayed (by who, who knows, the UN itself maybe), nearly died, lost what he was fighting for and is now a wandering vigilante on the run…and the only way he can cope is to just shut off parts of himself and focus on what he has to do

he’s not an asshole, he’s just been traumatized 

@ all the people in the tags saying “jack is still an asshole” i would like for you to show me where he ever acts like an asshole to anyone. don’t let people’s shitty headcanons sway you, there is no dialogue that shows him being an asshole, just a man who tries to detach himself from others so he doesn’t see them getting hurt like before. even the VA himself said that in his heart jack is a good man, he’s just had a very rough time in life.

Honestly, the way that Jack is reminds me a lot of a professor I had. This professor was a retired lieutenant colonel in the military and he had served in Vietnam. One day, he tells us this story about how the cows in the field went in early and none of the soldiers thought anything of it. Later, their position got attacked with artillery. My professor lost a lot of his comrades that day and he just looked at us and said, “And that’s when I learned not to make friends with soldiers until they had been around for six months. You couldn’t befriend the new guys. You had to try not to get too attached because you never knew when they were going to die.”

And, to me, that quote is the basis of Jack Morrison. This is a man that has lost many friends and comrades in the Omnic Crisis. This is a man who was betrayed by his most trusted friend and comrade and who has lost that man to darkness. Not only that, but this is a man who after the Golden Age of Overwatch dealt with anti-Overwatch protests. His friend fought and died for this organization and now peple are protesting it and claiming it is responsible for the turmoil of the world. 

With the exposure of Blackwatch, the protestors were proved correct. Overwatch was corrupt. Rumors of Blackwatch’s use of torture, kidnapping, and assassination come to light. And, suddenly, Overwatch is dead to Jack Morrison. It betrayed him. It was something that he believed in and his ideas and values were shattered. It wasn’t a question of what Overwatch had stood for but what it stood for now. 

Soldier 76 is disillusioned with Overwatch. He distances himself from people because he has experienced so much death and loss. He’s been betrayed by the organization that he once believed in. But do not for a second think that just because he distances himself from people he doesn’t care about them. 

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gNAfPU

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