In some ways, this would change very little, and in others it’d have some significant impacts.

The way it doesn’t change things much is in how they feel about her.  To be honest, they’ve both already fallen in love with this tiny girl by the time they get home with her.  But there’s really no way they can keep her.  

Admittedly, there could be some good reasons for them to try.  Perhaps most importantly, the whole cat-person thing is more than cosmetic.  At some point I want to get into how it affects them psychologically, and the little girl is going to have that to deal with just the same as they have.

But they’re far too busy to be able to do justice to raising a special needs child.  Also, their own natures render them less than stable in some certain specific ways.  Then there’s the fact that they’d be putting her at risk.  They’re already targeted by Overwatch’s enemies, and after finding that lab, they have reason to believe that some things from their past might be coming back to haunt them at some point. 

What they’ll end up doing is settling the little one with a family they trust.  I need to think this through: who it is, how connected they are to Overwatch, how much Jack and Gabe visit her.  They really want to, and I adore the idea of them basically becoming her adoptive catdad uncles, but it’s also possible they feel it’s safer to let her and her new family cut ties and lose themselves.  After all, she could become a target too, independent of them.

The way in which it would make a huge difference is because if she were their kid specifically, they’d need to be asking themselves some very uncomfortable questions about just how much of a coincidence that is, or if these scientists are deliberately calling them out somehow.

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