Took some drabble prompts from chat peeps last night for a change of pace.
@barid-bel-medar: Reaper76, deaged
Jack looks down at his hands. "This is bullshit.“ They’re small. He’s small. His voice sounds like he’s been sucking helium. He looks at the massive gun he’s now cradling against his chest in an effort not to drop it.
There’s an angry but not very intimidating growl. Jack looks up at Gabriel, now not quite five feet tall and drowning in his clothes like he’s trying on his big brother’s football pads and fetish gear. Gabriel scowls at his shotguns, the muzzles resting against the floor, and despondently tries to pull the trigger on one with the edge of his fingernail. "What the fuck, Jack, I told you not to shoot that.”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have hid behind it then!” Jack makes a valiant attempt to stomp in Gabriel’s direction with his armored boots rattling around his knees, and heaves his gun awkwardly at Gabriel.
“Ow! Shit! That’s my foot!” Gabriel lets go of his gun to grab for the injured appendage. The shotgun falls on his other foot. "Ow, goddammit!“ he roars squeakily as he falls over.
Jack sighs and tries to forget all over again that his aunts and uncles used to call him ‘Dennis the Menace.’ "I need a nap.”
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