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I’ve talked about moving to Canada for ages, and now I have a chance to do it. With the government changes here–especially with the likely repeal of the ACA, I’m looking at losing access to healthcare if I stay, and given my mental health issues and PCOS, I can’t get by that way. 

Because I’m self-employed, and because I’m employed in the arts, this makes emigrating a LOT easier than it would ordinarily be. I’m looking at moving to a place where I already know people, and all around it’s a perfect opportunity for me.

The problem is, this opportunity’s come up kind of quick, and at a time when I don’t have a lot of ready cash on hand to pay for moving expenses. Anything I can raise will help pay for things like my apartment deposit, and the cost of moving my things across an international border.

I hate like hell to do this, but given the slow paying publishing industry, it’s not like I can do more work and raise the money in a hurry. Literally anything will help, even a reblog if you can’t donate.

Thank you!

Good luck, Roane!

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