



  1. Be sure you really want this item gone forever
  2. Locate the item you wish to permanently banish to the spirit realm
  3. Think “I don’t want to lose this, I should put it somewhere sensible”
  4. Put it somewhere sensible.
  5. It is done, the item is gone from your life forever.

As a witch A+ can confirm, works every time.

Warning: If you EVER buy a replacement because you decide you need it, the banishment will be undone, and you will now have two.

But don’t forget the barter ghost. He takes one item away. You search it, you curse the mean ghost and he gives it back… But a few hours or days later another item is gone. Sometimes this playful ghost takes two items but gives only one back.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2nbNvVk

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