Twitter thread where I share my secret headcanon about how Soldier: 76 got his name.
It’s not an exciting hc, but I think the 76 in Soldier: 76 probably comes from the big honking number painted across his back.
It’s not like Soldier: 76 chose his name after all. I’m pretty sure the press or his enemies picked it for him. Consider this: all he wants to be known as is ‘a soldier.’ He’s said that. "Who are you?“ "I’m just a soldier.” So based on interviews with witnesses and photos, they name him Soldier: 76.
But like. Think about how self-effacing that is. He’s obliterated everything about his identity, down to having any name at all.
I think SO MUCH about Jack’s relationship to his own persona. I mean I know I’m not the only one. I just get such a vibe from him like he feels as if he spent years pretending to be something he wasn’t, and it fucked everything up.
I wonder if Jack sees that he changed the course of history. Built something that made the world better. If he sees that when people call him a hero, they mean that he made THEM better people. I wonder if he’s intent on erasing Jack Morrison for practicality as a vigilante, or if he wishes it weren’t part of him. Or if it’s something he wants to let the world keep. Don’t look at this over the hill criminal. Keep your hero. Remember him as he was.
I wonder whether he’s bitter that he can’t be that anymore, or if he’s bitter because he wishes he’d never tried in the first place.
(Honestly my headcanon is that he found the thing in a pawn shop or something.Maybe it gave him a warm fuzzy moment of remembering the stupid Evel Knievel stunts he used to watch with his had. Or the costume he wore at that Halloween party that was one of the last times they all got together as a big happy family.People talk about his outfit being a mismatched wreck or weirdly bright, but honestly BIKER JACKETS ARE EXPENSIVE OMG. Find a good one in your size for cheap and you won’t care WHAT it looks like, believe me. Another example of trash scrounger Jack really. Picking up his gear wherever he can find it. If he looks ridiciculous, it’s because he can’t afford to coordinate.)
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