





Those people who constantly reblog your stuff but you never really talk:


I do notice my regulars. You guys are the best.

“Regulars” makes me feel like a bar-tender…

Wiping down my dash at the end of an evening, I see your read-more, over-hear your rant in the tags, so I pour you a drink.

“…what’s troubling you, kid?”

It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday
As the regular crowd tumbls by
There’s an old fandom queen blogging next to me
And her little gray tags catch my eye

She says tumblr I’m feeling like shit today
can you send me some posts for a smile
can we talk about slash, can you fill up my dash
so I won’t have to think for a while

Laa dahdah didee dah
La dahdah didee dah dadum

Fill up my dash, you’re my followers
Fill it with pictures and fic
Yeah we’re all in the mood for some memery
And occasional pictures of dick

Now Jill is a centaur novelist
And she writes of her girlfriend and wife
She reblogs from Toni, who’s in My Little Pony,
And probably will be for life.

As the staff implements wretched changes
And we think of how aliens bone
We are writing a lot about loneliess:
It’s much better than writing alone.

AND sometimes we blog about politics

And sometimes we blog with a beer

And when I proudly boast that I’m older than most, 

They say ‘gross, what are YOU doing here’. 

from Tumblr

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