“Doomfist is a prominent member of the Talon leadership. Contrary to popular belief, Reaper is not the sole leader of talon. There’s actually a council of leaders who oversee Talon, and sometimes they agree with each other, sometimes they disagree with each other, and Doomfist is a very important member of that Talon council. Now Doomfist’s ideology is that he wants to see humankind become more powerful, and he thinks the way for that to happen is through conflict. So it’s kind of a harsh worldview, but he really believes that we as humans get stronger the more conflict we endure.”
alphadelilas said: Yeah that is some seriously off hand lore bombing/ret-conning that Daddy Jeff just did xD
thecatsred said: Isn’t he just a Merc who works with Talon??
sketchedramblings said: Same. I thought Reaper just occasionally worked for Talon, but now he’s in charge? Or at least partially in charge?
Yeah, so like…I don’t know. They keep saying he’s a mercenary, which BY DEFINITION means he hires out to fight (or consult on fighting) for pay. Which is the exact opposite of being a card-carrying member of the organization, which you would EXPECT one of the organization’s leaders to be.
But then again, Doomfist is both a mercenary and a leader of Talon. He was a mercenary before he ever joined the organization. So… *shrug*
Honestly there are still so many things that could be going on and ways that could play out, I’m not planning to fuss about it too much. For now, it’s just a very interesting bit of information. If Gabriel is one of Talon’s leaders, then what are his goals there? Does he get along with Doomfist, or do they conflict? How LONG has Reaper been one of the organization’s leaders? Who are the others? What do THEY want? Who’re the ones calling Reaper a mercenary anyway? Did any of them ask HIM his job title?
For that matter, with a multi-headed leadership that’s in conflict with itself, how much of a disaster is Talon, in terms of goals and strategies? How many groups exist within the organization? Are they at war with each other?
I don’t take the lore too seriously, to be honest. I just enjoy asking myself how it could be interpreted and what it could mean.