
[ Part 1 | Part 2 ]

“Three days later I’m fighting for breath
Death sees me look out over the edge
A soft sweet whisper says “careful where you tread”
I hear it for a moment

I’m sorry
I’m sorry now, now now now
So sorry”

– From Tom Chaplin’s Worthless Words


I’ve been haunted by this scene ever since reading @etlabetes​‘s “Give up the Ghost”. Finally now I’ve put this bit down on paper (or well, gave my best shot). Please read it if you haven’t yet, this fic is incredible and excellently demonstrates things I (and I think many ppl) love about R76. :’)

I also recommend checking out the linked song and full lyrics, I found it a while after and it fits so well with the whole fic TcT;; (There’s only the live version on youtube that I’ve linked to but it’s still rly good)

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2tJonby

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